Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Journal: Excelsior!

Since I'm now disappointed in politics (and thinking that maybe I should join the Libertarian Party or something), all the more reason to jump into art things with more energy. I've got commissions to do, and lots of interesting drawings I want to do for myself because they're interesting.

I also have a couple of paintings I want to do, but I'm all out of Bristol board. And since I WILL NOT buy any more of that cheap stuff, so determined am I to upgrade to decent illustration board, we'll just have to see if I can persuade myself to part with the necessary cash. Illustration board is nearly five bucks a sheet, see.

I recently dragged my violin out of storage and fiddled around with it a bit (pun not intended.) Yes, I do play violin--badly, at least. I only took lessons for a year before my teacher moved away and I quit. It's too bad, sort of, because I was picking it up amazingly fast (considering that I never practiced, that is.) I am a natural on the instrument, but I'm also lazy. Anyway, it was not looking real good after being unplayed for about two years. One of the strings had actually come loose altogether. I tightened everything up and got it into some sort of tune (tuning instruments has never been my forte--I'm okay with the violin, but I can't tune a guitar to save my life), and then promptly broke the D string. Then I broke the only spare I had (which was probably an A string anyway.) Bah. Those suckers cost at least $12. But I guess I should probably replace all of them, since they've been sitting for so long (the G is even sort of blackened--must be silver wound.) I don't even know why I want to get it in working order again, besides that it's a pretty good violin and it's a shame for it to not be playable. I did like to improvise on it, I guess. That, and the piano bores me nowadays.

Now onto a different subject: DMFA. [link] You know, the comic strip. Those of you who read it will know that Amber is doing a donations drive for necessary travel money. I'm offering to draw Abel for you guys if she reaches her goal, since she's already maxed out and can't really do much in the way of incentives. So if you want to see that (and I know lots of you do), go donate. More info on the forum. [link]

We're expecting even more snow up here. We also have an icicle that's like five feet long. Winter is getting a bit out of control, I think.

But mostly I'm raring to work on art! There are SO MANY possibilities out there I want to explore... and you bet I'll poke my head into all of them. In the four years I've been doing artistic things, I've done hundreds of paintings and drawings, written five symphonies and numerous other compositions, written several dozen poems, designed books and CDs and websites, made comics, and experimented with all sorts of new ways of doing things. You can bet this trend will continue! This month marks the first anniversary of when I started learning to draw characters (before I just did landscapes and abstracts), and look how far I've gotten. I'm excited about the future, and I'm excited about what I can learn to do! (How's that for a rebound from yesterday, huh?)

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