Saturday, February 2, 2008

Journal: Bad Luck with Cars

My family has been having bad luck with cars lately. In December, my dad was driving home from Portland with a trailer when someone decided to stop on the freeway while it was snowing. That smashed in the front of his truck. Not so much that it couldn't be driven (thanks to the deerguard on front), but enough to require extensive repairs. On Thursday my mom got her car stuck in the ditch in our driveway. After spending much of that day trying to get it out, we had to have our logger come and haul it out with his skidder. Then, that very evening, mom and dad hit a deer in the Jeep, smashing in it's front end. So it's just one thing after another.

I've been keeping busy. Finished another commission yesterday (it'll be posted sometime soonish), and installed a new kitchen faucet for my mom.

And it's kept snowing. I swear we must have THREE FEET by now--but I don't want to go out and measure it. :)

I've been hearing hopeful things about Ron Paul winning in the Maine primaries today. Hopefully that will come to pass. And for you Super Tuesday people, remember: McCain is a sleazeball with an annoying smirk. Vote accordingly. Same goes for Hillary, Democrats. The way we're heading, we're going to nominate the two candidates people will least want to vote for in November, which, I think we can agree, stinks.

I've still got 8 sketchbooks left to sell. I've only sold 7 so far, so that's not so good. If you want one (they're a bargain--everyone assures me I'm cheating myself), then drop me a note.

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