Thursday, March 6, 2008

The second death, which is a spiritual death

I'm killing this blog off yet again. This time, though, it's because I'm starting a new blog someplace else. I now have a LiveJournal. I like it better, for reasons that may or may not be apparent. Go there instead, if there are any of you. Nobody ever reads this blog, so I sort of doubt it.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

If I were running for President...

My Platform:

Preemptive warfare is a flawed and morally indefensible principle, even when there is good solid intelligence leading to its waging. The war in Iraq did not even have a sound basis in fact, and was thus a double mistake, one compounded by later incompetence. As President, I would issue an apology to the people of Iraq for presuming to intervene in their military affairs, and offer an immediate withdrawal. However, if the Iraqi government requested it, I would be open to leaving up to 120,000 troops in Iraq for up to one year. If sufficient stability is not achieved by that time, I would propose a referendum on the Iraqi government, including the possibility of dividing Iraq into multiple new countries to ease sectarian tensions. In all negotiations, my goal would be to have all American troops, excluding those guarding our embassy, out by the end of my term.

I would insist that Iran comply with the NNPT, but if they decide to withdraw from that treaty, they will have my acquiescence. Although it may not be in our best security interests (though I doubt this), it is their right to have a nuclear deterrent. We are not the policeman of the world, nor do other nations have to change their behavior for us because of some vague “national security concerns.”

The Economy
I would take steps to reverse the decline of the US dollar, requesting the Fed to raise interest rates. If Bernanke does not comply, I will remove him from office and appoint a solid money economist in his place. This will almost certainly plunge the country into recession, but it will hopefully preserve the Dollar's status as a good reserve of value, trusted by bankers all over the world. Troubled mortgage holders will be left up to their own devices, or the discretion of the states.

The Budget
I would veto any and all pork-barrel spending sent to my desk. I would drastically reduce Federal expenditures on nonessential programs, such as environmental and agricultural subsidies. These things are not the government's business. I would cut government bureaucracy and regulations. Money saved by this would go towards reducing the Federal deficit. I would halve the size of the IRS, introducing a flat tax of 20% on income and 5% on goods and services. Those earning less than $15,000 a year would be exempted from the income tax.

Illegal Immigration
It seems obvious to me that the whole reason there is a problem with illegal immigration is because it's hard to immigrate legally. I would remove all quotas and waiting lists on incoming immigrants, and allow anyone to apply for citizenship, whether within our borders or out. The only requirement for citizenship would be not having a criminal record and knowing enough English to fill out the forms. To prevent negative consequences on the Federal budget, all new citizens will be exempt from receiving benefits for five years after becoming a citizen. All illegals who have not applied within one year of citizenship becoming available or within one year of entering the country will be required to get visas or be deported. I would tighten border security and require all entering, whether they intend on staying or not, to register and submit to a background check.

Health Care
I would deregulate the market and abolish HMOs. Any government-sponsored health care that exists will be created by the states, on their own. Medicare will be phased out gradually over the next ten years. Social Security will be frozen, with no new people or payments entering the system. Each person already a part will be paid in full over the time they were allotted to, and their account closed out.

Global Warming
I will take aggressive action to not do anything about global warming, thus staving off the more imminent threat of global cooling.

I will request that Japan revise its Constitution to allow it to have its own army, thus allowing us to withdraw forever. We will still guarantee its security, just not with any real presence or bases, just the threat of our nuclear arsenal. Troops and money freed up from this will be used to police the Mexican border (see above.)

Biofuels are garbage, and all Federal subsidies to them will be eliminated. Sources of “clean” energy will be given tax credits, no more. The private market can deal with our energy needs on its own. I will encourage the construction of more nuclear power plants.

Moral Issues
I would support a Federal ban on abortion and nominate only conservative judges to the Supreme Court. While I oppose gay marriage, I believe that should be left to the states.

The UN
I would withdraw from the UN. We cannot continue to sponsor such a corrupt institution in good conscience.

I would halve NASA's budget, eliminate the shuttle program, and instruct it to focus on probes, telescopes, and experimental work that actually has some value.

I would do everything in my power to aid victims of genocide and bring about a peaceful conclusion. However, direct military intervention would be an unconscionable breach of national sovereignty. there anything I'm forgetting?